Maze, Jeffrey S. wrote:
> Hello,
>       I'm new to the list.
>       I'm having an issues with Tomcat.  I'm using version 1.2.28 of
> the redirect, and I've tried Tomcat versions 6.0.18 and 5.5.27 and Java
> versions 1.5u18 and 1.6u13.  No matter what Tomcat or Java version I
> use, I have the same issues; redirect is the only thing in common.
>       If I run the "Hello World!" example using localhost:8080, it
> works fine.  I have the IIS redirect setup correctly because I can
> remove the 8080, the page redirect correctly and I see the "Hello
> World!".
>       This is when something odd happens.  The tomcat5.exe service
> goes into run-away; CPU usage showing 99% and the system slows WAY down.
> I can hit all the other examples using port 8080 fine, but the instant I
> try anything without port 8080, Tomcat goes haywire.
>       Any ideas on where I should look to begin troubleshooting this
> issue?

I'm guessing a bug in the isapi_redirect.dll Maybe try an older version?

Also, which OS and IIS version are you using?


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