Thanks for all your replies. 
The plan I proposed is a step-by-step approach to upgrade to JDK 1.5, tomcat 
5.5 , JDK 1.6 with application testing after each step.

So I changed the tomcat 5.0.25 startup script to use JDK and I am 
running into the following error 
Cannot exec large heap executable: No such file or directory
Could not create the Java virtual machine.

My heap sizes are -Xmx2400m -Xms2400m -Xmn800m -XX:PermSize=96m 

I reduced it to -Xmx1024m -Xms1024m -Xmn400m and was able to startup. Is there 
a heap size limitation?


From: David Kerber <>
To: Tomcat Users List <>
Sent: Wednesday, June 10, 2009 8:58:37 PM
Subject: Re: What to upgrade?

Chetan Chheda wrote:
> We are going to regression test it in non - prod environments. I agree with 
> going to the latest version, but our application is only supported on 1.4.2 
> So I am thinking 1.5 would be a smaller jump than 1.6.  
I doubt it.  If it will run on 1.5 (which it most likely will), it will run on 
1.6.  The jump from 1.4 to 1.5 is much bigger than the one from 1.5 to 1.6. 
I moved my app from TC 5.5.15 running under jvm 1.5.0_12 directly to TC 6.0.17 
or .18 (I don't recall which) under jvm 1.6.latest, and it ran absolutely 
unchanged except that it was much faster (could handle more concurrent 
requests).  Exactly zero code changes required in over 300 classes. 
The initial jump from 1.4.something to 1.5 was quite painless as well, but I 
wanted some of the new code features in 1.5, so I never did extensive testing 
under of the 1.4 code until I had my 1.5 modifications done.


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