André Warnier wrote:


Now, to redeem myself, here are my suggestions :

- turn off any anti-virus or similar software that might be running
- de-install whatever Tomcat software you have installed, using the installer/deinstaller package - verify that you do not have any "remainders" anywhere of these installations (in the Windows "Services" display, in the disk directory where you installed Tomcat, and in the "Start.. Settings.. System ..Software" dialog).

When everything is clean :

- download the "zip" version of Tomcat for Windows, from the Tomcat website. - unzip it in a directory. I suggest a sensible directory name, without spaces in the name, like c:\tomcat6. This is now your "CATALINA_HOME" directory (and also, by default, your "CATALINA_BASE" directory). Remember this, it is important. - in the directory CATALINA_HOME/bin, you will then find a script called "startup.bat". Open a command window, navigate to that directory, and run that script.
This should start Tomcat, interactively, in that command window.
This is only to verify that nothing else is wrong on your system to run Tomcat (like available ports, etc..). - you should now be able to access Tomcat with a browser, at "http://localhost:8080";
- to stop Tomcat, type "CTRL-C" in the command window.

Once you have done the above, then you can try to install Tomcat as a service.
For that, run the script "CATALINA_HOME/bin/service.bat install"
(you can also edit this script, to see what it is doing)

When you have run this script, you will have essentially done the same as what the "exe" installer package for Tomcat is doing. But you will have much more control and understanding of what is going on, and where things may get stuck.

You should now be able to start and stop Tomcat using the commands
net start tomcat6
net stop tomcat6
(the name "tomcat6" above to be replaced by the correct Windows Service name for Tomcat)
or by using "My Computer..Manage..Services and Applications)

If you want, you can then remove the Tomcat service again, by running "service.bat remove", and try again to install the whole thing from the "exe" installer version.

Additional information, harder to find in the on-line documentation :

- the "tomcat6.exe" program that comes with the Windows version of Tomcat, is a "Windows Service wrapper" for Tomcat. It is there because the JVM, on its own, does not handle very well the requirements of Windows Services. So, when later you run Tomcat, you are really running "tomcat6.exe", which in turn starts the JVM, which in turn runs Tomcat. This "tomcat6.exe" wrapper, in order to know which JVM to use with which parameters, takes these parameters from the Windows Registry.
How do they get there ? that is the next section.

- There is another program in the CATALINA_HOME/bin directory, named "tomcat6w.exe" (the same name as before, with a "w" at the end). The "tomcat6w.exe" is a GUI setup program, whose role is to set up the appropriate parameters in the Windows Registry, so that "tomcat6.exe" can later find them. You can run "tomcat6w.exe" by clicking on it, and you will get a window that shows you how to proceed.

Basically, the "service.bat" script, invokes this "tomcat6w.exe" in command-line mode, and tells it what to do.
And that, friends, is the best "quick start" summary for setting up tomcat I've ever seen. It took me weeks to put together in my mind all the pieces that Andre' just presented to you on a platter!! How about putting it into the docs or some other very visible location...


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