Lisa D Beggs/AC/VCU wrote:
The default Tomcat page is what I get if I try to enter that on the server hosting Tomcat & Crystal Reports my configuration in the server.xml file must be incorrect.

If I try to type in the webpage from another computer it can not find the page.

Ok, Lisa, we're here to serve, no matter what comes...

Can you tell us first under what kind of host this Tomcat is running ? Is it a Unix system, a Linux system, a Windows system ?
And if it is a Unix or Linux system, which kind ?
(if you don't know, either ask around or enter "uname -a" in a console window on the server and tell us the result).

Second :
I am going to ask some pretty basic questions. Can you answer them, even if you think that they are stupid, or that you have already answered them ? That will give us some insight into the situation, to help you quicker.

Q1 : I presume that this, until now, is a working server. Yes/No ?

Q2: If yes, how do the users access it now ? What exact URL do they type in the browser location bar, to access the homepage of this server ?

Q3: Still if yes, does that same URL work from all workstations, and do they all get the same page for the same URL ? And which page is that ?

Q4: Have you ever configured a webserver before (Tomcat or other) ?

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