I am doing my best to help, but you are not making it easy.
You get one more try, cause I'm a good guy (unlike Chuck).
See below.

And do leave some space between questions and answers, it's just much easier to read.

Lisa D Beggs/AC/VCU wrote:
another that I have changed port from 8080 to 80,
How exactly did you do this ? I changed the configuration in the server.xml file based on guidance from my vendor.

Unfortunately, I wasn't there, so I do not know what your vendor told you to do, nor what you really did.
So, what did you change, where in the server.xml ?
Did you keep a copy of how it was before you changed it ?

  I cannot
see my default URL (http://adm138/InfoViewApp) either on user
(not sure if same or different issue, can see on server with no problem)

Q6.5 :
Can you explain what you mean by "can see on server with no problem" ? If I type in my url in the browser on my server (http://adm138/InfoViewApp) with the 8080, the page comes up, I can not do this on a user workstation...if I change the port back to 8080 in the server.xml file....I can bring it up again on the user work station but I must add adm138:8080 in the url name.

Could you re-read the question, and your answer, and see if to you it makes sense ? To me, it doesn't.

Do you mean that if you open a browser directly on the server console, then you can see the Tomcat default page when you enter :
? NO, still can not see them. However, I see the default Tomcat home page if I enter these URLS on the server.

Same thing.  Worse, in fact.

But if you do this on any other workstation, you get a "cannot display this page" answer ? Right :)

A whole bunch of new questions :

In which directory is Tomcat installed on this server ? C:\Program Files\Business Objects\Tomcat55

OK. (but leave space)

Supposing for now that this directory is "c:\tomcat", then under this directory, are there the following subdirectories :
- C:\Program Files\Business Objects\Tomcat55\conf
- C:\Program Files\Business Objects\Tomcat55\conf
- C:\Program Files\Business Objects\Tomcat55\webapps\ROOT
- C:\Program Files\Business Objects\Tomcat55\webapps\InfoViewApp\

The second line doesn't match the question, but OK, I get the idea.

Is there any other (than InfoViewApp) Tomcat-based application running on that server ? NO

Good, that makes it easier.  See the additional info at end.

Will there be other applications there in the near future ? No we don't intend there to be

Good also.

Suppose that we set this server up so that /both/ the URLs :
return directly the login page of your application, would this be a problem ? That should not be a problem, should that cause any future issues?

Not right now. And by the time it becomes an issue, there will be someone else on the list to help you with it, I'm sure.

Or do you need that "http://adm138"; still returns the default Tomcat homepage ?

I thus guess not.

In the "\conf" subdirectory of your Tomcat installation, there is a file named "server.xml". In that file, there is a section resembling the following (the ports may be different) :

     <!-- Define a non-SSL HTTP/1.1 Connector on port 8180 -->
     <Connector port="8180" maxHttpHeaderSize="8192"
        maxThreads="150" minSpareThreads="25" maxSpareThreads="75"
        enableLookups="false" redirectPort="8443" acceptCount="100"
        connectionTimeout="20000" disableUploadTimeout="true" />

Is this what you are looking for?  I don't have the one above......

<Connector URIEncoding="UTF-8" acceptCount="100" connectionTimeout="20000" disableUploadTimeout="true" enableLookups="false" maxHttpHeaderSize="8192" maxSpareThreads="75" maxThreads="150" minSpareThreads="25" port="80" redirectPort="8443"/>

I said "resembling", I did not say "the same". The only significant difference is the order of the attributes, which technically does not matter here. But it's ok. At least now, I know that there /should/ be a Tomcat listening on port 80. But see below, we're not out of the woods yet.

By the way, this very portion of your server.xml above, is probably where your vendor told you to change the port between 80 and 8080, right ?

On the server, in a command window, enter the following command :
netstat -anb -p tcp
then also paste the response in your answer here.

Now this is a real bummer. Based on what you show below, there is no Tomcat on that system listening on any port. There is just one tomcat5.exe, which seems to be having a conversation with a CMS.exe running on your server also.

What I'm saying is that you missed a whole bunch of lines that were the output of that command, and which probably scrolled off the top of the screen before you had a chance to copy them.
It's a pity, because they were just the interesting ones.

So, do it again, but this time use this :

netstat -anb -p tcp | more

and copy and paste each screen, typing a CR only when you are done with one screen, to see the next one and cut-and-paste it.

The lines of particular interest, are the ones around where [tomcat5.exe] appears.
If you send just those, it's OK too.  But don't miss one.

... whole bunch of lines missing here ...


  TCP         ESTABLISHED     196





Now some advance information, which will unfortunately only become really useful when we've sorted out this port 80/8080 and these other workstations issues.

Based on your answer to Q8, complemented by your answers to Q9 and Q10 :

There are two separate issues, which can be dealt with separately :

1) make the application respond to
(without any :8080 or /InfoViewApp at the end)

2) make the other workstations able to connect to your server.

Let tackle (1) first :

- stop Tomcat

- rename the directory
C:\Program Files\Business Objects\Tomcat55\webapps\ROOT
to become
C:\Program Files\Business Objects\Tomcat55\webapps\old-default

- rename the directory
C:\Program Files\Business Objects\Tomcat55\webapps\InfoViewApp
to become
C:\Program Files\Business Objects\Tomcat55\webapps\ROOT
(in other words, just change "InfoViewApp" to "ROOT")

- restart Tomcat

That should be it. It means that now, instead of the default Tomcat page, your application (which was "InfoViewApp") has become Tomcat's /default application/, the one that users will see when they enter the URL

If I understand well what you have tried to communicate above, this should work right away, but only from the browser running on the server. And, for the time being, you may need to add a ":8080" at the end, it's a bit hard to tell right now.

Once that bit is working, we can address issue # 2 later.

Ironically, that's what Hassan told you many messages ago.
But maybe he was a bit short.  I have more time.

Additional information, just if you want to learn something from this :

In a URL like "";, there are separate parts. The whole is known as the URL, but each part also has a name and a separate function :

*http://* is the "protocol". That is like the "language" that the browser speaks to the server. (For example, "https://"; would mean a different protocol, or language). The browser and the server must speak the same protocol, otherwise they cannot communicate.

** is the "hostname". That is just a name for humans, that can be translated by the DNS system into an IP address. This IP address is what the browser uses to send his request to the correct server. Different hostnames can correspond to the same IP address. In that case, they are called "aliases" of one another. In your case thus, whether the browser uses "" or "adm138" as the hostname does not matter, because ultimately these requests go to the same IP address, and thus to the same server.

*:8080* is an (optional) port number. This is really another part of the IP address. To use a telephone analogy, let's say that the IP address is the general telephone number of a company, and the port is the individual extension within that company's telephone system. In TCP/IP terms, the IP address is the address of the server, and the port is the internal extension of a "service" within this server (like Tomcat). Each "protocol" is usually associated with a "default port". For the "http://"; protocol, this default port is 80. That is why it is optional , if the webserver is listening on the default port 80, to specify this port in the URL. But if the server is listening on any other, non-default port (like 8080), then you need to specify it in the URL.

And finally, what comes after the
is "the rest", known as a combination of a path and possibly a query.
That's your "/InfoViewApp". It indicates which application the browser wants to talk to, within the Tomcat service.

An empty path, indicated as just "/", is also a valid path. It indicates that the browser wants the "default application" of that service.

In the case of Tomcat, the various applications are usually organised under the Tomcat/webapps/ sub-directory.
Currently thus, you application is located in the directory
And a browser, to request it, must use a URL like

In order to avoid confusion, the Tomcat default application is located under Tomcat/webapps/ROOT/. (The capitals in ROOT do matter).
That is the application that browsers get when they request just

That is why, earlier, by renaming the existing ROOT application (which displays the Tomcat default page), and renaming yours to ROOT, we made your application become the default, so that browsers can now access it via

Note that the old default Tomcat page is still there. But to get it, now in the browser you have to use the URL
(do you understand why ?)

One inconvenient of this scheme, is that you cannot have TWO default applications. You need to choose one of them to be the default (and go under Tomcat/webapps/ROOT/). So, if later you decide to add another different application to the same server, then that one cannot be the default, because yours already is. This other application (suppose it is called "AnotherApp") will then be placed in the subdirectory Tomcat/webapps/AnotherApp, and will have to be accessed by browsers as

Is it now clearer ?

It may all looks rather mysterious at first, but it is really quite simple and logical. A bit of dedication, and you'll end up as the Tomcat guru, you'll see.

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