Lisa D Beggs/AC/VCU wrote:
Can you tell us first under what kind of host this Tomcat is running ? Is it a Unix system, a Linux system, a Windows system ? We are running Windows Server 2003

Second :
I am going to ask some pretty basic questions. Can you answer them, even if you think that they are stupid, or that you have already answered them ? That will give us some insight into the situation, to help you quicker.

Q1 : I presume that this, until now, is a working server. Yes/No ?  Yes

Q2: If yes, how do the users access it now ? What exact URL do they type in the browser location bar, to access the homepage of this server ? They used to type in http://adm138:8080/InfoViewApp - until I changed the port to 80 so now it is http://adm138/InfoViewApp - we want them to now be able to type in or to be able to get to that same page just easier to remember url for them

Q3: Still if yes, does that same URL work from all workstations, and do they all get the same page for the same URL ? And which page is that ? Yes, when they type in that page they get http://adm138/InfoViewApp/logon.jsp and this is what I need the DNS names to be redirected to.

Allright, let's continue step by step, based on the above.

a) Open a Windows command window.

b) Type "nslookup adm138"
The last line of the response is an IP address.  What is it ?

c) Type "nslookup"
The last line of the response is an IP address.  What is it ?

when the users now type the following URL in their browser :
what page do they see ?

Is it the same page as when you type this URL in your browser :

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