
On this:

> each of those has their own context.xml defined in the META-INF
> directory of the project.

> And those will be ignored, since you have them in server.xml.

Something that I am not understanding.  If the context.xml files are truly
ignored how can each of the companies be able to login?
Each company has their own DB/DB user/ and password defined in the
<Resource> tag.  I think I either did something REALLY weird on my tomcat or

You're saying if I create the conf/Catalina/[host]/[appName].xml I can add
them on the fly?

Next Q.

would it be something like conf/Catalina/localhost/xyzcompany.xml?  Isn't
this for JAAS type realm? Means I have to switch my JDBC realm type to JAAS
which I know nothing about. Could be a good time to learn it, but I'd rather
keep the JDBC realm authentication if possible.

I just changed the files (without changing the realm type) and it looks like
nothing is going to work / authenticate.  I am getting JAAS errors

:Aug 26, 2009 10:07:46 AM org.apache.catalina.realm.JAASRealm authenticate
SEVERE: Unexpected error
java.lang.SecurityException: Unable to locate a login configuration

Let me ask this

I know best practice is keeping the webapps directory inside of
$CATALINA_HOME.  In my situation, that's just not possible.  I have a JDBC
realm configured for authentication (not JAAS).  I have my webapps stored on
a physically separate drive for backup and restore reasons.  What would I
have to change in my configuration to be able to serve new projects under
the new displaced webapps folder, keeping my JDBC realm configuration, and
without having to restart tomcat each time I add one.  Is it possible?

It seems as though when I used the webapps folder in $CATALINA_HOME I could
add and remove folders in the webapps folder and I didn't have to restart
tomcat each time.
- J

On Thu, Aug 13, 2009 at 5:33 PM, Caldarale, Charles R <> wrote:

> > From: Josh Gooding []
> > Subject: Re: slight problem with Tomcat and Httpd working together.
> >
> > *Wait a sec, illegal as in (will throw an exception) or just bad
> > practice?
> Illegal in that predictable behavior cannot be guaranteed.  Tomcat is
> pretty good about ignoring invalid attributes, but it's not perfect in that
> regard, and problems may result.
> > I have a <context> defined in my server.xml's <host> for the
> > deployments being hosted outside of $CATALINA_HOME/webapps
> > directory
> That isn't illegal, but is extremely bad practice, since you can't modify
> them without restarting Tomcat.  By placing the <Context> elements in
> conf/Catalina/[host]/[appName].xml, you can modify them as needed while
> Tomcat is running.
> > each of those has their own context.xml defined in the META-INF
> > directory of the project.
> And those will be ignored, since you have them in server.xml.
> > Are you saying that, that is wrong?
> Yup.
>  - Chuck
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