You know Chuck, it would probably work if I put Auto-deploy to "true"
instead of false.  (tried and it works).

On Wed, Aug 26, 2009 at 10:32 AM, Josh Gooding <>wrote:

> Wait a sec.  The only <Context> element I have defined in my server.xml
> file is here:
>     <Engine name="Catalina" defaultHost="localhost">
>             <Host name="localhost"  appBase="d:/webapps/"
>                     unpackWARs="true" autoDeploy="false"
>                     xmlValidation="false" xmlNamespaceAware="false" >
>                 <Context docBase="ROOT" path="" />
>             </Host>
> So I understand why they are not being ignored.  I still figure that I
> should be able to deploy a new project on the fly though and not have to
> restart tomcat.
> On Wed, Aug 26, 2009 at 10:29 AM, Josh Gooding <>wrote:
>> Chuck,
>> On this:
>> > each of those has their own context.xml defined in the META-INF
>> > directory of the project.
>> > And those will be ignored, since you have them in server.xml.
>> Something that I am not understanding.  If the context.xml files are truly
>> ignored how can each of the companies be able to login?
>> Each company has their own DB/DB user/ and password defined in the
>> <Resource> tag.  I think I either did something REALLY weird on my tomcat or
>> otherwise.
>> You're saying if I create the conf/Catalina/[host]/[appName].xml I can add
>> them on the fly?
>> Next Q.
>> would it be something like conf/Catalina/localhost/xyzcompany.xml?  Isn't
>> this for JAAS type realm? Means I have to switch my JDBC realm type to JAAS
>> which I know nothing about. Could be a good time to learn it, but I'd rather
>> keep the JDBC realm authentication if possible.
>> I just changed the files (without changing the realm type) and it looks
>> like nothing is going to work / authenticate.  I am getting JAAS errors
>> :Aug 26, 2009 10:07:46 AM org.apache.catalina.realm.JAASRealm authenticate
>> SEVERE: Unexpected error
>> java.lang.SecurityException: Unable to locate a login configuration
>>         at
>> Let me ask this
>> I know best practice is keeping the webapps directory inside of
>> $CATALINA_HOME.  In my situation, that's just not possible.  I have a JDBC
>> realm configured for authentication (not JAAS).  I have my webapps stored on
>> a physically separate drive for backup and restore reasons.  What would I
>> have to change in my configuration to be able to serve new projects under
>> the new displaced webapps folder, keeping my JDBC realm configuration, and
>> without having to restart tomcat each time I add one.  Is it possible?
>> It seems as though when I used the webapps folder in $CATALINA_HOME I
>> could add and remove folders in the webapps folder and I didn't have to
>> restart tomcat each time.
>> - J
>> On Thu, Aug 13, 2009 at 5:33 PM, Caldarale, Charles R <
>>> wrote:
>>> > From: Josh Gooding []
>>> > Subject: Re: slight problem with Tomcat and Httpd working together.
>>> >
>>> > *Wait a sec, illegal as in (will throw an exception) or just bad
>>> > practice?
>>> Illegal in that predictable behavior cannot be guaranteed.  Tomcat is
>>> pretty good about ignoring invalid attributes, but it's not perfect in that
>>> regard, and problems may result.
>>> > I have a <context> defined in my server.xml's <host> for the
>>> > deployments being hosted outside of $CATALINA_HOME/webapps
>>> > directory
>>> That isn't illegal, but is extremely bad practice, since you can't modify
>>> them without restarting Tomcat.  By placing the <Context> elements in
>>> conf/Catalina/[host]/[appName].xml, you can modify them as needed while
>>> Tomcat is running.
>>> > each of those has their own context.xml defined in the META-INF
>>> > directory of the project.
>>> And those will be ignored, since you have them in server.xml.
>>> > Are you saying that, that is wrong?
>>> Yup.
>>>  - Chuck
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