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On 10/16/2009 9:49 AM, Curtis Garman wrote:
> That's what I ended up doing and I believe that took care of it...but
> I figured if it is an apache recommended setting that it should also
> work :)

Well, it does work... just not the way you expected it to work :)

The documentation for the 'trimSpaces' property is:

trimSpaces - Should white spaces in template text between actions or
directives be trimmed ?, default false.

If you have this in your JSP:

${firstName} ${lastName}

... then the JSP compiler will remove the spaces between the directives
and give you this instead:


This obviously renders the two pieces of data without an intervening
space. Using a newline between them is no better because it's also

The setting does say "trimmed" and not "removed". I would have expected
all spaces between directives and actions to be "normalized" as per the
XSLT definition (which is that any spaces are collapsed into a single
space, but the whitespace spacing still remains). Basically, this gives
you what you want pretty much all the time.

Perhaps it's a bug.

Looking at the source for 6.0.20 (I don't have 5.5.25 handy right now),
this is the code I think is relevant for this:

            if ((options.getTrimSpaces() ||
                    && n.isAllSpace()) {

As you might imagine, emptyText is defined as:

        private final String emptyText = new String("");

(What a waste of space, by the way: new String("") essentially creates
two strings: one UTF-8 sequence in the constant pool and then another
object wrapping that... why not just use "" directly in the code? It's
more straightforward and probably better optimized by a compiler).

Anyhow, it probably makes sense to change the "emptyText" string from ""
to " " (that is, use a space instead of nothing).

This bugzilla entry might be interesting to you:

If explains the problem, why it exists, and that Tomcat might end up
with a patch to meet your needs... but possibly not to the 5.5 branch
(this has been reported against 6.0).

- -chris
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