what about doing

<c:out value="${firstName}" /> <c:out value="${lastName}" />

would this retain the spaces or would it be identical to

${firstName} ${lastName}

On Fri, Oct 16, 2009 at 11:01 AM, Christopher Schultz
<ch...@christopherschultz.net> wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> Curtis,
> On 10/16/2009 11:50 AM, Curtis Garman wrote:
>> Hmm...Christopher, thanks for the post...that's good info...as long as
>> I know a little more about it, I'm ok with turning it off...my
>> understanding was that it's purpose was to just remove empty lines
>> (that result from include directives and such) from the
>> response...
> Yeah, and also especially if you have loops of stuff, you can generate
> tons of (useless) whitespace easily. Imagine:
>     <jstl:loop> (or whatever, I don't use JSP)
>       <jstl:if test="whatever">
>         <jstl:choose>
>           <jstl:when test="whatever">
>            (print stuff)
>           </jstl:when>
>         </jstl:choose>
>       </jstl:if>
>     </jstl:loop>
> If you don't trim spaces, every line of that loop generates somewhere
> between 5 and 12 leading space characters. If you looked at the output
> of your JSP, you'd see that there are tons of extra spaces in there.
> Obviously, you could just edit these out in your text editor, but then
> the text would be unreadable for developers and designers, so it's
> better to leave it in there.
>> which is my main reason for wanting it turned on in the first place.
> Yup: it's a good feature, but poorly implemented (apparently due to what
> I believe is a poor specification).
> - -chris
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> =aGKS
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Curtis Garman
Web Programmer
Heartland Community College

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