2009/10/26 Christopher Schultz <ch...@christopherschultz.net>:
> Hash: SHA1
> Pete,
> On 10/24/2009 4:20 PM, Pete McNeil wrote:
>> This doesn't work / causes the error:
>>        <jsp:include page="/includes/navTab.jsp" flush="true">
>>                <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="navTopParam" -->
>>                <jsp:param name="navTopParam" value="products" />
>>                <!-- InstanceEndEditable -->
>>        </jsp:include>
>> This does work:
>>        <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="navTopParam" -->
>>        <jsp:include page="/includes/navTab.jsp" flush="true">
>>                <jsp:param name="navTopParam" value="home" />
>>        </jsp:include>
>>        <!-- InstanceEndEditable -->
> This looks like a bug in the code that reads the JSP: comments ought to
> be tolerated and ignored. Would you be willing to:

Those are NOT comments. The JSP comments are <%-- --%>.

I think that if you switch to XML syntax for JSP pages (using jspx
files instead of jsp), those will be treated as XML comments and
properly ignored.

> 1. Log a bug against Tomcat in bugzilla
> 2. produce a short test case (the above is fine, but make sure it "works")
> 3. attach that test case to the newly-filed bug

So I am sure that the above is not a Tomcat bug.

Best regards,
Konstantin Kolinko

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