"Christopher Schultz" <ch...@christopherschultz.net> wrote in message 
> Hash: SHA1
> Konstantin,
>> Those are NOT comments. The JSP comments are <%-- --%>.
>> I think that if you switch to XML syntax for JSP pages (using jspx
>> files instead of jsp), those will be treated as XML comments and
>> properly ignored.
> Apologies for not thinking about that: Pete, if you're not using XML
> syntax (as I expected you were), then your complaint is not valid: your
> JSP is /not/ an XML document.
> If you use .jspx (I think?), then XML syntax will be acceptable.
>> So I am sure that the above is not a Tomcat bug.
> On the other hand, shouldn't the JSP compiler pass-through everything
> except for directives? HTML is a common enough use case for JSP that
> SGML comments ought to be tolerated in these cases.

Except for the fact that section 5.4 of the (2.1) JSP spec precludes having 
anything except <jsp:param /> in the body of a <jsp:include> element. 
Allowing template text in there is then a Container-specific feature and so 
renders the webapp non-portable.

It would be a bug if the error happened for a page in XML syntax however.

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