On 09.11.2009 11:27, thomas2004 wrote:
> I newly installed the mod_jk 1.2.28 and since then got problem (see below).
> **********************
> We have a web application deployed on Jboss (RH Linux OS). The access to the
> web application is via a Apache Httpd Web Server. One of the function of
> this web application is one can online generate PDF-reports. This report
> could by quite big (30 MB). After the report is generated (this will take
> about 20 to 40 min.) it will show up on the browser.
> Formerly we have mod_jk 1.2.26 and everything is ok. Since a week we update
> the mod_jk to 1.2.28 and got problem. Exactly to say, the PDF-report can not
> be shown up on browser. One can find some error messages in mod_jk.log as
> follow:
> Code:
> [Tue Nov 03 11:03:07 2009] [12138:2537062720] [info]
> ajp_connection_tcp_get_message::jk_ajp_common.c (1150):
> (worker_portfolio_son1) can't receive the response header message from
> tomcat, network problems or tomcat ( is down (errno=11)
> [Tue Nov 03 11:03:07 2009] [12138:2537062720] [error]
> ajp_get_reply::jk_ajp_common.c (1962): (worker_portfolio_son1) Tomcat is
> down or refused connection. No response has been sent to the client (yet)
> [Tue Nov 03 11:03:07 2009] [12138:2537062720] [info]
> ajp_service::jk_ajp_common.c (2447): (worker_portfolio_son1) sending request
> to tomcat failed (recoverable), (attempt=2) [Tue Nov 03 11:03:07 2009]
> [12138:2537062720] [error] ajp_service::jk_ajp_common.c (2466):
> (worker_portfolio_son1) connecting to tomcat failed. [Tue Nov 03 11:03:07
> 2009] worker_portfolio_son1 citibank-extranet-ru-test.civ-versicherung.de
> 244.108419 [Tue Nov 03 11:03:07 2009] [12138:2537062720] [info]
> jk_handler::mod_jk.c (2615): Service error=0 for
> worker=worker_portfolio_son1
> From google I know this could be a problem of reply_timeout. I set the
> reply_timeout in workers.properties but it doesn't help. Here is my
> "workers.properties".
> Code:
> worker.list=jkstatus, worker_portfolio_son1
> worker.worker_portfolio_son1.connection_pool_timeout=600
> worker.worker_portfolio_son1.socket_timeout=120
> worker.worker_portfolio_son1.socket_keepalive=True
> worker.worker_portfolio_son1.lbfactor=1
> worker.worker_portfolio_son1.type=ajp13
> worker.worker_portfolio_son1.port=8009
> worker.worker_portfolio_son1.host=appl-portfolio-test.proactiv.de
> worker.worker_portfolio_son1.sticky_session=True
> worker.worker_portfolio_son1.reply_timeout=3600000

Remove the socket_timeout. Please let us know, whether that helped.

To improve stability you should add a socket-connect_timeout and
cping/cpong. See:


If you don't want a reply_timeout, you can also remove it. Default is no
reply_timeout. But remove socket_timeout in any case.

If everything works, you can optimize by using the new "extensions" for
uriworkermap.properties. There you can configure reply_timeouts for
individual URLs. E.g. having a general timeout of 30 seconds, and an
increased timeout of 1 hour only for your special reporting URLs.


Another way of doing it when using Apache is via an environment variable
an dmod_rewrite. Look for "JK_REPLY_TIMEOUT" in


mod_rewrite allows to set environment variables depending on the URLs.
Any reply timeout set via JK_REPLY_TIMEOUT will overwrite the one in

But first get the easy config working, before trying to improve!



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