On 10.11.2009 14:26, thomas2004 wrote:
>> Remove the socket_timeout. Please let us know, whether that helped.
> I've moved the socket_timeout and the reply_timeout two days ago but it
> doesn't help.

> My workersproperties looks now as follow:
> [code]
> worker.worker_portfolio_son1.connection_pool_timeout=600
> worker.worker_portfolio_son1.socket_keepalive=True
> worker.worker_portfolio_son1.lbfactor=1
> worker.worker_portfolio_son1.type=ajp13
> worker.worker_portfolio_son1.port=8009
> worker.worker_portfolio_son1.host=appl-portfolio-test.proactiv.de
> worker.worker_portfolio_son1.sticky_session=True
> worker.worker_portfolio_son1.ping_timeout=10000
> worker.worker_portfolio_son1.ping_mode=A
> worker.worker_portfolio_son1.retries=2
> worker.worker_portfolio_son1.activation=A
> worker.worker_portfolio_son1.recovery_options=7
> [/code]
>> To improve stability you should add a socket-connect_timeout and
> cping/cpong. See:
>> http://tomcat.apache.org/connectors-doc/generic_howto/timeouts.html
> I will try this later and tell you the result.
> Btw, is there any difference between mod_jk 1.2.26 and 1.2.28. I wonder why
> it works by 1.2.26 but not by 1.2.28. 

I checked the code. Your errno 11 shown in the jk log of your original
post is EAGAIN. We removed tolerating EAGAIN while reading from the backend:


EAGAIN should only be returned by read() when the socket is set to
non-blocking mode. I can't see why this should be the case for your
configuration. Is the log message the same when running without

Please provide details on your OS, web server and configuration (e.g Jk
directives for Apache).



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