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To whom it may concern,

On 11/13/2009 8:53 AM, maven apache wrote:
> I am a little confused.
> If I deploy by myself, that is to say I copy the
> "F:\mavenTest\MT-Parent\MT-web\targetMT-web.war" to the tomcat install
> directory:
> C:\tomcat6.0\webapp, what does the eclipse debugger do ?

The debugger will not do anything if you simply copy a file. It's
possible that Eclipse is willing to deploy the WAR file for you, but
that would be a separate process from the debugging. I'm sorry that I
have no experience using Eclipse for anything other than text editing
and light CVS work. I went back to emacs 'cause I didn't need a
many-megabytes-in-memory text editor running all the time.

> Without the IDE debugger I also can visit my page by "
> http://localhost:9000/MT-web/helloServet";

If you can visit this page "without the debugger", then simply attach
the debugger once Tomcat is running. Eclipse doesn't start the JVM (does
it?) otherwise you wouldn't be having all this trouble starting Tomcat
and connecting the debugger to it -- Eclipse would have done that itself.

- -chris
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