2009/11/13 Pid <p...@pidster.com>

> On 13/11/2009 02:33, maven apache wrote:
>> 2009/11/12 Christopher Schultz<ch...@christopherschultz.net>
>>> Hash: SHA1
>>> To whom it may concern,
>>> On 11/11/2009 8:33 PM, maven apache wrote:
>>>> Thanks for your attention.
>>>> Actually I did not modify the catalina.bat directly , I create a new bat
>>>> named debug.bat in the same directory, the content of the debug.bat is :
>>>> -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>>> cd %CATALINE_HOME%/bin
>>> This is not spelled correctly. It should be CATALINA_HOME, not
>>>  set JPDA_ADDRESS=1044
>>>> set JPDA_TRANSPORT=dt_socket
>>> This is the default JPDA_TRANSPORT when using Tomcat's startup scripts.
>>>  set CATALINA_OPTS=-server -Xdebug -Xnoagent -Djava.compiler=NONE
>>>> -Xrunjdwp:transport=dt_socket,server=y,suspend=n,address=1044
>>>> startup
>>>> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>>> Then I start the tomcat with the debug.bat.
>>> It's tough to tell where the lines end due to word wrapping, but it
>>> looks like this script doesn't do anything but set environment
>>> variables. Is the "startup" word actually on a separate line from the
>>> "set CATALINA_OPTS" line? I'll assume so, otherwise nothing would happen.
>>> Note that you could have put these settings into bin/setenv.sh and it
>>> would be called before calling catalina.bat.
>>> Finally, Tomcat allows you to specify the JPDA_* environment variables
>>> so that you don't then have to re-specify everything in CATALINA_OPTS.
>>> Try deleting your debug.bat file and instead put this into your
>>> CATALINA_BASE/bin/setenv.bat file:
>>> set JPDA_ADDRESS=1044
>>> set CATALINA_OPTS=-server -Xnoagent -Djava.compiler=none
>>> Note that catalina.bat will auto-build the following command-line
>>> arguments when starting up the JVM, given my above settings:
>>> - -Xdebug -Xrunjdwp:transport=dt_socket,address=1044,server=y,suspend=n
>>> Now, you have to start Tomcat like this:
>>> %CATALINA_BASE%\bin\catalina.bat jpda start
>>> This should start Tomcat using all the JPDA options. If you don't use
>>> "jpda start", then all the JPDA_* environment variables are useless. I
>>> can see why you ended up specifying everything in CATALINA_OPTS: because
>>> Tomcat was otherwise ignoring all your settings.
>>> After you get Tomcat started, you'll need to verify that the JPDA
>>> options were actually enabled. If they were, you should have something
>>> listening on port 1044:
>>> C:\Tomcat>  netstat -a -o | find "1044"
>>> If the above command shows something like this:
>>>  TCP         Krang:0           LISTENING    332
>>> Then JPDA has properly started and is listening on that port. If not,
>>> try running the netstat command without the "| find" part to see if
>>> that's failing (I tried adding "-b" argument and I got a "requires
>>> elevation" error, so the "find" of course didn't work). If there's
>>> nothing listening on port 1044, then your JPDA configuration is broken
>>> and you should re-post with your current progress.
>>> If it's listening, then you have a problem with your debugger and/or
>>> firewall issues. Since the subject of this thread is "remote debug", I
>>> suspect you are trying to debug over a network. What is the relationship
>>> between the server and the client? Are there firewalls involved? Does
>>> JPDA bind to or to (or some other IP address)? If it
>>> binds to, then you'll need an ssh tunnel or something to turn
>>> a remote connection into a localhost one.
>>> - -chris
>>> Version: GnuPG v1.4.10 (MingW32)
>>> Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla - http://enigmail.mozdev.org/
>>> LacAn1oX3+2oOk5BEBiY20jL54juaN2L
>>> =LdC4
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>>> Thanks for your detailed information.
>> I check it with my own configuration and found that the connection is
>> established ,however I did not know since there is no message,so I try to
>> connect the server side again, so I got the connect failed
>> error................
>> And now I can connect it ,since I found each time I after I connect the
>> tomcat start window  will show a message in the below:
>> Listening for transport at ...1044.
>> That to say I think the connect of the debug is successful, and I have add
>> breakpoints in the servlet,so I open a browser and enter:
>> http://localhost:9000/helloServlet or
> If you have a Connector (in server.xml) configured on port 9000 then
> examine the catalina.out and the other log files for information.
I enter " http://localhost:9000"; I can get the tomcat welcome page,but I got
a 404 error when I entered "http://localhost:9000/MT-web";
And I found under the  catalina-home/webapp there is no folder named MT-web.

> If the Connector is on a different port use that, e.g. 8080.
>  http://localhost:8080/helloServlet
>  http://localhost:1044/helloServlet ,but none of them can open the
>> page, and the IDE did not turn to the class
>> where I have add the breakpoints.
> Tomcat doesn't serve pages on 1044 - that's purely for the JVM debugger.
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