> From: SRamasamy [mailto:su...@techie.com]
> Subject: RE: how to find tomcat binary distribution service name
> Tomcat have service name and also its configured with server.xml

The name configured in server.xml and the Windows service name are completely 
independent.  The Windows service name defaults to TomcatN, where N is the 
first component of the Tomcat level.  You can use the service.bat script to 
install the service under any name you choose.

> when I run tomcat binary version why it was not listing showing
> service name?

Where were you looking for the service name?

> I have checked through command prombt “tasklist “

That lists all services and any other processes that are running.  If Tomcat's 
installed as a service, it appears as tomcatN.exe.  If not installed as a 
service and not running, it won't show up.  If it's running from the 
startup.bat script it will show up as a java.exe program.

> how OS will identified the server instance?

It doesn't.

> How OS will create pid ?

Pretty much randomly assigned, just guaranteed to be unique for the life of the 

> Please let me can I possible to take tomcat pid on windows on 
> command prombt?

Try using the jps utility from the JDK.

 - Chuck

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