groupalias v wrote:
In response to Chris' question -   I have only one tomcat instance
running and it picks up the webapps in /srv/tomcat6/webapps/
and the URL works fine.  I tried
with the mod_jk.c and jk_module with the same result.

In response to André's question this is the first time I am hearing
about the SetHandler construct.  Is there documentation somewhere I
can read?

Look at the bottom of this page.

(Off-topic note : this page seems quite hard to find, starting from the top documentation page for Tomcat 6.0 at
Is this a mistake or intentional ?)

The issue about security is something I am concerned too and thought
its too error prone.

What is the workers.tomcat_home directive in used for?

Chris answered that. Remove it. There are a couple more like that, if you copied an older into a newer Tomcat config.

If the communication is over the 8009 port why does apache care about
one of tomcat's directories?

I will be a bit more nuanced (and considerably longer) than Chris here.

The Connector port has nothing to do with it.
Basically, Apache does not know anything about Tomcat at all, ever.
The only thing Apache knows, is that for each request URL, there is a "response generator" (also called a handler).

Apache itself normally generates a response using its own default handler. That handler resolves the URL location, generally, to a file on disk, and returns the content of that file as the response to the request. (I am simplifying a bit, but it is the general idea).

Except, if something in the configuration tells it that for some specific URL, there is another handler to use for generating the response.
JkMount is such a configuration directive.
It tells Apache that for some URLs, it should use another response generator called mod_jk.
(The same is achieved by the "SetHandler jakarta-servlet" directive.)

So for such URLs, Apache does not generate the response itself, but passes the request to mod_jk, and expects mod_jk to produce the response. When the response comes from mod_jk, Apache merely copies it back to the browser. Apache has no idea that mod_jk, to produce the response, is using one or more Tomcats in the background. Apache also does not know that mod_jk communicates with Tomcat via port 8009 (or any other port). If instead of talking to a Tomcat via port 8009, mod_jk was talking to you by telephone, and you were writing the response, Apache would not see the difference.

But what Apache knows about, is any filesystem location you tell it to look into, to find files to return as response for some URLs.
By using the directive
Alias /test/ /srv/tomcat6/webapps/A
you are telling Apache "hey, if the request URL is /test/abc.html, then go look for a file /srv/tomcat6/webapps/A/abc.html". Apache has no idea that this directory is also part of the "Tomcat space", and it could not care less. If it looks there, and finds a file "abc.html", it will just copy its content to the browser, without ever asking mod_jk or Tomcat anything. In other words, it completely ignores mod_jk and Tomcat, and serves the file directly from the filesystem.

That is why this Alias is dangerous.
That is also why it is extremely dangerous to do as quite a few people seem to do, to set the Apache DocumentRoot to the "webapps" directory of Tomcat, thinking "hey, I'll serve the static content directly with Apache". (That may be an appropriate thing to do sometimes, but not in this way).

According to Chris, the later JkMount's in your config will take precedence over that Alias, and thus "override" (or "cancel") it. But it is not quite clear yet that they always do, and there is no documentation that I know of, that confirms this.
Let me give you a partial counter-example :

If you had
Alias /test/ /srv/tomcat6/webapps/A

and then you also had
JkMount /test/*.jsp A

then indeed, for any request URL starting with "/test/" and ending in ".jsp", the JkMount would take precedence over the Alias, and that request will be served by mod_jk (and thus really by Tomcat). But for a request URL like "/test/secret-data.conf" the above JkMount would not take precedence over the Alias, and Apache would serve that file directly from disk.

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