Thanks for your reply. I am using the standalone tomcat app server, no web

We are using tomcat 6.0.20. We installed the self signed certificate on it,
its working fine.

Now we installed the CA (goDaddy) certificate in order to use CA certificate
and updated the server.xml and restarted the tomcat server. But tomcat ssl
port is still picking the old self-signed certs. Do you have any idea why it
is not picking the godaddy certificates?  I mean can you point me what other
places of tomcat server, I need to look so that it can pick the goDaddy

On Tue, Dec 1, 2009 at 3:59 PM, André Warnier <> wrote:

> groupalias v wrote:
>> See  answers inline -
>> On Tue, Dec 1, 2009 at 7:26 AM, André Warnier <> wrote:
>>> groupalias v wrote:
>>>> httpd.conf
>>>> -------------
>>>> LoadModule jk_module          modules/
>>>> <IfModule jk_module>
>>> What the h.. is this line for : ?
>> I don't understand. Am I using the wrong module identifier?   Or are
>> you saying the module specific tag itself is not needed?
>>  Alias /test/ "/srv/tomcat6/webapps/A"
>>> It kind of contradicts these next lines :
>>>  JKMount        /test/ A
>>>> JkMount     /test/* A
>>> Because of the Alias line, I don't think that mod_jk even gets to see
>>> your
>>> /test/ URLs.
>> I do know that mod_jk is being sent the URL request. It is parsing the
>> JKMount line and trying to do something with it. I can see how the
>> alias and the JKMount contradicting each other could be causing the
>> problem.
>> I removed the Alias and tried with the same result.
>> Here is one of the links I referred to during setup.
>>  These examples are rather bad, for several reasons.
> One thing hinted at however could be your problem.
> I have little time now, but :
> If you are using Virtual Hosts in Apache, look up the JkMountCopy
> directive.  The gist : a "JkMount" done in the main Apache config, is not
> necessarily inherited by the VirtualHost sections, even the default one.
> Also, next time, really show us the section of the mod_jk log where you
> think you see the error 400.
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