groupalias v wrote:
See  answers inline -

On Tue, Dec 1, 2009 at 7:26 AM, André Warnier <> wrote:
groupalias v wrote:

LoadModule jk_module          modules/

<IfModule jk_module>
What the h.. is this line for : ?

I don't understand. Am I using the wrong module identifier?   Or are
you saying the module specific tag itself is not needed?

Alias /test/ "/srv/tomcat6/webapps/A"
It kind of contradicts these next lines :

JKMount        /test/ A
JkMount     /test/* A
Because of the Alias line, I don't think that mod_jk even gets to see your
/test/ URLs.

I do know that mod_jk is being sent the URL request. It is parsing the
JKMount line and trying to do something with it. I can see how the
alias and the JKMount contradicting each other could be causing the

I removed the Alias and tried with the same result.

Here is one of the links I referred to during setup.

These examples are rather bad, for several reasons.
One thing hinted at however could be your problem.
I have little time now, but :
If you are using Virtual Hosts in Apache, look up the JkMountCopy directive. The gist : a "JkMount" done in the main Apache config, is not necessarily inherited by the VirtualHost sections, even the default one.

Also, next time, really show us the section of the mod_jk log where you think you see the error 400.

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