> From: Jesse Klaasse [mailto:jesse.klaa...@indicia.nl]
> Subject: Re: Tomcat 100% CPU usage after moving from Java 5 to 6
> I found the following article particularly useful:
> http://confluence.atlassian.com/display/DOC/Garbage+Collector+Performance+Issues

Unfortunately, that article is so full of mistaken assumptions and outright 
errors that it must be taken with a large chunk of salt.  There are some good 
things in it, but also a lot of rubbish.  Among other things, the author is 
obviously unaware of how paging systems work, confusing contiguous virtual 
memory (required for the heap) with contiguous real memory (not required at 
> -XX:+UseConcMarkSweepGC

This will reduce overall throughput, but also reduce the GC pause time.  (GC 
pause time is pretty small even without that parameter these days.)  It does 
make the GC threads do a lot more work, but you appear to have CPU time to burn.


This has been the default for quite a few years now, so it's unnecessary to 
specify it.


The above slows down CMS collections.  You can leave it off if you never update 
JSPs on the fly, or redeploy webapps without a Tomcat restart.


The above is the old name for CMSClassUnloadingEnabled and should not be used.


Always a good idea to set the above.


I would be wary of setting the above parameter, preferring to let the JVM 
determine the value as needed.  JDK/JRE 6 is much better at reacting to dynamic 
changes in workload than 1.4 was.

>-Xms10240m -Xmx10240m

That's a very large heap; shouldn't hurt as long as you have enough RAM to 
support it all without paging.  (But see below for use with compressed OOPs.)

> Tomcat's CPU usage seems significantly lower than before 
> (it's average seems about 10% now - which was 30-40% before)

There are some improvements in the JDK/JRE 6 JIT and synchronization handling, 
but probably not enough to account for that large a difference.

> I also added the -XX:+UseCompressedOops JVM option

Be careful with that; it can impact CPU usage, since the compressed OOPs have 
to be expanded into actual pointers every time they're used, and pointers 
compressed when stored in a field.  Works best with heap sizes less than 4 GB, 
which avoids the decoding/encoding.  For a real explanation of compressed OOPs, 
look here:

 - Chuck

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