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On 6/29/2010 5:57 PM, Matthew Mauriello wrote:
> I am having a minor problem related to Tomcat's BASIC Authentication setup.
> A user access my custom web application in the 'webapps' folder which is
> accessible to everyone in a separate sub folder.

This already smells funny. Can you give us the details of your directory
structure, and what contexts actually map to what directories on the disk?

> I have another 'webapps'
> sub folder for SOLR which is secured with BASIC Authentication. I have my
> custom web application log the user into the SOLR application when the
> user wants to access it.

So, webapp A contacts SOLR using HTTP BASIC AUTH, provides credentials,
and then... what?

> The problem I am having is that when the user navigates back to the custom
> application folder from the SOLR application folder they get prompted with
> the following message that I would like to disable:
> ---------
> "You are about to log in to the site "greygoose" with the username
> "admin", but the website does not require authentication. This may be an
> attempt to trick you.
> Is "greygoose" the site you want to visit?"
> ---------
> I am not sure if this is a browser setting that needs to be changed or if
> there is a Tomcat setting I can implement to kill this error message, but
> any help would be appreciated.

It sounds like your webapp isn't doing the authentication: instead, you
are somehow tricking the browser into doing the authentication instead.

Do you ever intend for the client (the browser) to authenticate? Or, is
webapp A supposed to use HTTP BASIC AUTH against SOLR and nothing else?

- -chris
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