
Thanks for the response.

I have two directories in 'webapps' other than ROOT. ROOT redirects users
to webappA. WebappA does not use tomcat's basic authentication but if you
log into the application there are links inside it that sends the user to
the SOLR webapp via

SOLR uses basic authentication. The problem is once the browser logs into
SOLR the error message pops up when navigating back to WebappA.

I understand this isn't the greatest setup but other than the constant pop
up message after logging into SOLR it meets the needs of the very few
users on the website.

Hope this clears things up.



> Hash: SHA1
> Matt,
> On 6/29/2010 5:57 PM, Matthew Mauriello wrote:
>> I am having a minor problem related to Tomcat's BASIC Authentication
>> setup.
>> A user access my custom web application in the 'webapps' folder which is
>> accessible to everyone in a separate sub folder.
> This already smells funny. Can you give us the details of your directory
> structure, and what contexts actually map to what directories on the disk?
>> I have another 'webapps'
>> sub folder for SOLR which is secured with BASIC Authentication. I have
>> my
>> custom web application log the user into the SOLR application when the
>> user wants to access it.
> So, webapp A contacts SOLR using HTTP BASIC AUTH, provides credentials,
> and then... what?
>> The problem I am having is that when the user navigates back to the
>> custom
>> application folder from the SOLR application folder they get prompted
>> with
>> the following message that I would like to disable:
>> ---------
>> "You are about to log in to the site "greygoose" with the username
>> "admin", but the website does not require authentication. This may be an
>> attempt to trick you.
>> Is "greygoose" the site you want to visit?"
>> ---------
>> I am not sure if this is a browser setting that needs to be changed or
>> if
>> there is a Tomcat setting I can implement to kill this error message,
>> but
>> any help would be appreciated.
> It sounds like your webapp isn't doing the authentication: instead, you
> are somehow tricking the browser into doing the authentication instead.
> Do you ever intend for the client (the browser) to authenticate? Or, is
> webapp A supposed to use HTTP BASIC AUTH against SOLR and nothing else?
> - -chris
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