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On 7/2/2010 8:36 AM, Federico Fissore wrote:
> I've embedded tomcat so to have multiple webapps running with separate
> java processes (each embedded tomcat runs its own webapp, listening to a
> different tcp port), because of some memory issues we have.

Have you considered simply using CATALINA_BASE to run separate Tomcats?
That would likely be easier than writing an embedded Tomcat wrapper, etc.

> having some issues with jsps not being recompiled after an upgrade of a
> webapp (that takes a restart of its tomcat), we scripted the wipe out of
> that context "work" folder
> say the folder is
> /opt/tomcats/work/StandardHost[localhost].StandardContext[/myWebApp]Engine/...
> after tomcat has stopped, we delete the "myWebApp]Engine" folder so to
> oblige the starting tomcat to recompile every jsp

Are you sure Tomcat is completely shut down when you perform the delete?
If not, Tomcat might have some in-memory notion of what's on the disk,
and get confused when the files suddenly disappear.

Have you tried undeploying the webapp and re-deploying? That should
cause Tomcat to clear it's own work directory for that webapp.

- -chris
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