Christopher Schultz, il 02/07/2010 23:00, ha scritto:
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On 7/2/2010 8:36 AM, Federico Fissore wrote:
I've embedded tomcat so to have multiple webapps running with separate
java processes (each embedded tomcat runs its own webapp, listening to a
different tcp port), because of some memory issues we have.

Have you considered simply using CATALINA_BASE to run separate Tomcats?
That would likely be easier than writing an embedded Tomcat wrapper, etc.

yes, but embedding tomcat is part of a wider plan of building an internal management system

Are you sure Tomcat is completely shut down when you perform the delete?
If not, Tomcat might have some in-memory notion of what's on the disk,
and get confused when the files suddenly disappear.

yes, i'm sure. work wipe out occurs in the shutdown hook of the embedded tomcat and when it terminates the related java process no
longer exists (just like when you kill a process on linux)

Have you tried undeploying the webapp and re-deploying? That should
cause Tomcat to clear it's own work directory for that webapp.

as said, when we wipe out, tomcat is running no more, so it couldn't clear the folder on its own

thanks for the reply


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