2010/7/2 Federico Fissore <fiss...@celi.it>:
> hello all
> first mail to the list: please forward me to any RTFM you may think useful

> BUT some times I got a "JasperException: Unable to
> load class for JSP", with the root cause being "ClassNotFoundException:
> org.apache.jsp.WEB_002dINF.jsp.systemCheck_jsp"

What exact Tomcat version (x.y.z) are you using?

Are you sure that you have stopped the old Tomcat instance, and that
you are not running several instances in parallel?

> I checked for that file in the work folder and it's there! both the .java
> and .class files

What are timestamps of those files? Are they recently generated and
compiled, as you would expect?

Best regards,
Konstantin Kolinko

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