On 10/14/2010 02:19 PM, rujin raj wrote:
I have Installed tomcat 5.5.20 on my windows 2008 server with 32 GB
physical memory and the Java version is jre1.6.0.

Is the OS installation 64-bit or 32-bit?

If the application is 64-bit, is the Java installation 64-bit or 32-bit?
(I suppose your Java installation is 32-bit)

Five applications are installed in it.Today i got one error and
> applications not working.Error as follows

Tomcat log:
*14 Oct, 2010 4:08:05 PM
org.apache.tomcat.util.threads.ThreadPool$ControlRunnable run*
*SEVERE: Caught exception (java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: unable to create
new native thread) executing
terminating thread*
In javaVM I set the initial memory pool size as 1000MB, Max memory pool
size as 1200MB and thread stack size as blank.More over I am not able to
set the minimum pool size more than 1024 MB.

How can I increase the JVM memory more than 1GB??

First, a 64-bit Java installation is needed. And this is only available,
if the operating system installation is 64-bit.

With these two requirements fulfilled, the JVM can be configured with
larger memory allocations.

What might me the cause for java out of memory error? How to resolve the

I'm a bit uncertain of the error message, however: it may be that it's
not actually JVM memory that is exhausted, but threads. Could it be that
your application is starting new threads, but not disposing of them

If it is a memory exhaustion situation, you should be able to find
numerous discussions on how to pinpoint memory leaks in applications
running under Tomcat. Some of the memory analysis techniques might
help in resolving thread exhaustion issues, too (if you can locate
the unexpected thread objects and find what is keeping them alive).
Another way to find out about the threads is to produce a thread
dump of the running JVM (that also has been often discussed on
this list).

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