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On 10/14/2010 7:19 AM, rujin raj wrote:
> I have Installed tomcat 5.5.20 on my windows 2008 server with 32 GB
> physical memory and the Java version is jre1.6.0.

Just a note: 5.5.20 is over 4 years old. You should really upgrade to
5.5.30 or even to 6.0.29. Upgrading from 5.5 to 6.0 is pretty seamless.

Are you using a 32-bit of 64-bit JVM? If you are using a 32-bit VM then
you are not able to take advantage of all that sweet, sweet system memory.

> Today i got one error and applications not working.Error as follows
> Tomcat log:
> *14 Oct, 2010 4:08:05 PM
> org.apache.tomcat.util.threads.ThreadPool$ControlRunnable run*
> *SEVERE: Caught exception (java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: unable to create
> new native thread) executing
> org.apache.tomcat.util.net.leaderfollowerworkerthr...@10d564d,
> terminating thread*
> *
> *
> In javaVM I set the initial memory pool size as 1000MB, Max memory pool
> size as 1200MB and thread stack size as blank.More over I am not able to
> set the minimum pool size more than 1024 MB.
> How can I increase the JVM memory more than 1GB?? 

Looks like you are on a 32-bit JVM. Try upgrading to a 64-bit JVM if you
want more memory, although memory probably isn't your real problem.

> What might me the cause for java out of memory error? How to resolve the
> problem?

Note the entire message: "java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: unable to create
new native thread". It doesn't say it's out of heap space, it says that
it can't create a new native thread. There are a couple of reasons this
could happen:

1. The Tomcat user cannot create any more threads because of a thread
limit within a single process. Windows can limit the number of threads a
process can create as a security and resource management mechanism.

2. The process can't create another thread due to the available (native)
memory and the stack size you have for a thread.

This page has some good information about thread limits on Windows:

Can you post all of the JVM arguments you are using to start Java?

Could you also post all the <Connector> elements from your
conf/server.xml file?

Finally, can you comment on the use of any threads within your own
application that are /not/ managed by Tomcat? For instance, do you use
TimerTask/Quartz to do background jobs, or do you launch any of your own

- -chris
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