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On 11/16/2010 10:42 AM, Brian wrote:
> If I choose
> the report of "Paths from GC roots" from it, I see LOTS of items! And all of
> them have the "<loader> of" indication. All the items are classes programmed
> by me, so I guess I'm guilty, and not the people that programmed Tomcat
> ;-)  . They are DTOs, facades, Struts actionforms, etc. 
> Why are all these classes in the list?

If these are java.lang.Class objects, then you are looking at the list
of classes loaded by the WebappClassLoader. These are the objects that
make up the memory block that is unrecoverable. It's not the Class
objects themselves that are holding onto references to the ClassLoader,
it's the other way around.

> What should I check about them? Why are they still loaded?

The real problem is that there is an object that is still "live"
somewhere whose Class has been loaded by your webapp's WebappClassLoader.

> I guess there is something missing in my programming. Maybe I should do
> something about all the objects that are still alive that correspond to all
> the loaded classes? Maybe I need to do something in the "contextDestroyed()"
> method in the ServletContextListener in my app, in order to destroy all the
> objects properly?  

A basic rule is that anything you configure in a
ServletContextListener's contextStarted method needs to be destroyed in
the contextDestroyed method. Same thing for any Servlets that have
init() methods -- use the destroy() method to clean-up those resources.

When you undeploy, there may be a "leak" message in catalina.out. If you
post that, we might be able to help you.

- -chris
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