> From: Fergus McMenemie [mailto:fer...@twig.me.uk] 
> Subject: RE: Setting listings=true on a per context basis

> Other than reading the 300 page servlet spec is there 
> a quicker way to accomplish what I want. 

My response told you exactly where to make the updates.

Regardless, the spec is an easy read (at least the 2.5 version is; 3.0 is a bit 
more difficult).

> Further, are you saying that use of 
> catalina/localhost/vendoraDocs.xml
> is a tomcat only solution.

That file, and its contents, are unique to Tomcat.  Every container vendor has 
their own container-specific mechanism for configuration items that are outside 
the spec.  This is exactly why <servlet> mappings don't go in there, but rather 
in the spec-defined location.

> How do I best standup a set of vendor supplied HTML docs and
> files for browsing through tomcat. It is not worth setting up
> IIS for, as we already using tomcat for other purposes.

What you're doing is fine; just put the <servlet> declarations in the right 
place - as documented in the earlier response.  Create a WEB-INF/web.xml file 
in the document tree and have at it.

 - Chuck

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