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On 12/7/2010 9:27 AM, Fergus McMenemie wrote:
> Thanks for the response. Other than reading the 300 page servlet
> spec is there a quicker way to accomplish what I want. 

Of the 354 pages of the Servlet Spec 2.5, only pages 19-154 are worth
reading. Before that, it's introductory stuff, and after that it gets
into "enterprise" servlet stuff which Tomcat doesn't support, and most
people don't need.

I recommend reading the spec in the same way you'd eat an elephant: one
bite (byte?) at a time. Mmmm... elephant.

In the amount of time you might spend fighting against various
contributors to this forum to extract information about the spec and how
to do things, you could easily read the spec itself and then come back
to hit some other newbie over the head with it :)

> Further, are you saying that use of catalina/localhost/vendoraDocs.xml
> is a tomcat only solution.

This is just the webapp deployment hints for Tomcat. Chuck's direction
to edit WEB-INF/web.xml is entirely portable and defined by the
aforementioned quite-readable specification.

> How do I best standup a set of vendor supplied HTML docs and
> files for browsing through tomcat. It is not worth setting up
> IIS for, as we already using tomcat for other purposes.

If you have a directory of static files already, you can just drop them
into a subdirectory under TOMCAT_HOME/webapps and it will auto-deploy
(assuming you have default settings in TOMCAT_HOME/conf/server.xml) into
a URL like http://yourhost/dirname/your_files_go_here.html

- -chris
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