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On 4/7/2011 5:15 PM, André Warnier wrote:
> Christopher Schultz wrote:
> ... (RFC references) ..
> Thanks for that post (with the chain of applicable RFCs).  I will keep
> that email preciously as a resource for future file upload debugging
> references.

You could always update the Tomcat "Character Encoding" page. I have a
headache from reading those specs so I'm not going to do it right now :)

> Also, to add to the potential OP woes, there is also the fact that some
> browsers send the filename, and others send the full path of the file.

I love it when a standard gets followed. Do you happen to know which
browsers send the files in which format? Most OSs these days use either
\ or / as a path delimiter, so you can take everything after the last
one of those... but what is someone is using Firefox 4.0 on VMS (ha ha ha)?

> But it /may/ still be a problem if, after uploading the file and duly
> writing it into a directory, that directory is then later scanned by
> some separate (non-Java) program or script (whatever language it may be
> written in, even, God forbid, perl) with the purpose of actually doing
> something with these files.

Good point. Always good to quote your filenames :)

> There may be a lot of potential there :
> for ff in /mydir/* ; do
>   mv "$ff" "/otherdir/${ff}.new"
> done


- -chris
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