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On 4/8/2011 4:19 AM, Tomislav Brkljačić wrote:
> Ok, this is what i did.
> 1. updated the java runtime so they match on both machines

Not a bad idea, but probably didn't affect anything.

> Tried to run the examples, but still the same result.
> 2. installed livehttpheaders for firefox and ran the examples upload.
> This is the output from livehttp  from my local machine (the same is on the
> server machine) :

So... is the local machine the one that does or does not work? Comparing
the two that DO work would be a good idea.

> Content-Type: multipart/form-data;
>     boundary=---------------------------55652821543

Note the lack of a character encoding (in the main request header). This
is appropriate for multipart/form-data content.

> Content-Disposition: form-data; name="attach_file"; filename="pričuva.txt"
> Content-Type: text/plain
> asdasdasd
> -----------------------------55652821543--

A couple of things:

1. I'm surprised that no Content-Length was sent along with the file.

2. Note that the filename has non-US-ASCII characters shown there.
   I wonder if that's LiveHttpHeaders's interpretation of the header
   (and in what encoding) or if that's what's on the wire.

I suspect that ff is just using utf-8 to send the filename. Tomcat may
interpret it as US-ASCII and give you an odd result. Actually... for
multipart, Tomcat shouldn't be involved: this may be a problem with the
library you are using for file uploads. You should definitely ask on the
BPM mailing list.

Here's one thing you can do:

String brokenString = part.getFilename();  // or whatever

String fixedString
   = new String(brokenString.getBytes("US-ASCII"), "UTF-8"));

That will re-encode the bytes sent from the client UTF-8. This wil only
work if:

1. The client actually sent the data in UTF-8

2. Your multipart handler actually assumed that US-ASCII was correct

3. No alteration of the bytes has occurred by the interpretation
   as US-ASCII

If any of the above are NOT true, you are basically stuck.

It would be worth it to look at the bytes are they are traversing the
network -- say, with Wireshark -- to determine whether the filename is
actually encoded in UTF-8 or some other encoding.

Hope that helps,
- -chris
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