> this behavior occur even when I'm disconnecting the Network card from the
> VM
> settings and connecting it again.
> afterwards, the keep alive is alternately unavailable. looks like it's not
> always trying to approach the DB opened wireshark and saw that ip.addr==DB
> IP ADDRESS is not always showing results when the keep alive is unavailble
> =
> he's not trying to get to the DB at all, I think.
> it all sorts out after I restart the tomcat service. this is why I think it
> does related to tomcat.
> I bet if you pulled the power out of the machine, and then plugged it back
in, forcing a machine restart, the problem would also be resolved. However I
don't think that you can blame the electric company :-)

Sounds to me a lot like the problem is this smart keep alive. You said in
one post that it checks the db connection, port and runs some sql. You said
in another that you couldn't use "I haven't configure validation cause in
our production environment it has
proven to be harmful (freezes application)". I don't understand how one
library can do this check and it works (albeit causing the problem you ask
about) whilst a connection pool can't perform the exact same thing without
causing freezes. Sounds to me that you just need to configure validation
query, and remove smart keep alive, and the app would work across esx

In your first post you said you were using "i use the JDBC application pool"
- how do you configure this?

You haven't provided a clear explanation about this smart keep alive. Who
coded it? What is it? Where does it work - at which level?



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