Hi all,
we're experiencing an issue with the getRemoteAddress method
We don't know whether is something known depending on tomcat or if it's
something malicious,
affecting our servers.
We have a filter that authorizes incoming requests using different patterns,
one of these is based on
ip checking. Requested performed by localhost are granted.
Since we have an external service, installed on the same host running the
tomcat, and this service
invokes b2b requests on the tomcat istance (using, we noticed the
following strange behaviour:
sometimes requests are rejected since the ip obtained invoking the
getRemoteAddress method results
equals to 85.18.x.x.
How can I say that? We considered both the log of the tomcat and the log of
the external service described above
 and the content matches. I mean, each time this kind of failure occurs (it
happened different times), the external service
log the http response and, since the ip checking fails, it receives an html
page, the login page!
So, a request issued by a service running on localhost and sent as a get to
a tomcat istance running on localhost appears to be issued
from the ip address I mentioned above but we are sure that the client and
the server are talking each other.
This failure occurs periodically, at the same hour of the day. Besides,
since we added some logs to have a better picture, we noticed that
sometimes even during user interactions from external but known ips some
requests appear to be issued by the address 85.18.x.x.
Anyway, users are able to see web pages without any issues, since in this
case their requests are authorized by a cookie and not by ip checking.
Has anybody a clue of what is happening?
Thanks in advance

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