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On 5/26/2011 8:22 AM, Filippo Machi wrote:
> The service I was talking about is a php script we put in the crontab and it
> accesses directly to the tomcat asking the url  (

Okay: when you use, you should always be using the loopback
address. That's good. If you were using a non-localhost hostname (like
myserver.mydomain.it) then your "remote address" would likely appear to
be the external IP address of the server because, well, that's just how
TCP/IP works.

> I'm omitting the final part of the ip just for privacy. There are
> just a little set of ips that seem to be involved in the scenario I
> described and they don't change.

Okay. Since they don't change, what is the relationship between the IP
address you are observing and the network setup you have? Is 85.18.x.x
the external IP address of the server?

I wonder if your server is re-writing URLs in an HTTP response that are
fully-qualified. So, instead of the URL being relative like "/foo/bar"
it's being sent as "http://myserver.mydomain.it/foo/bar"; and so your
client is therefore appearing to come from the server's external IP address.

Simple question: do you "trust" 85.18.x.x? If so, why not just add it to
the list of trusted IP addresses in your filter?

- -chris
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