Am 27.01.2012 15:07, schrieb Luciano Andress Martini:
I really want to block a directory like

Yes is the first option but withou moving the directory outside
tomcat, because im not the developer of the system, and i just put
this system on the server.... and i really need to simple block this

I need to block this, in the similar way that i do in apache...

Okay, it seems that your directory doesn't point to a web application but rather to a sub directory of a web application. If so you can put the rules into the web.xml file of the application.

Use a security constraint to handle this:

<web-resource-name>Upload directory</web-resource-name>

Now only authenticated users with the role "uploaduser" can access the directory.


I really cant move this outside this directory.

Thank you.

2012/1/27, André Warnier<>:
Luciano Andress Martini wrote:
I need to do this in tomcat6:
Apache2 form:
<Directory /var/www/temporarios/upload_contracheque>
                 Order allow,deny
                 deny from all

I think that you are again not very clear, but I will try to guess.

There is no direct equivalent of the above in Tomcat, because Tomcat works
on the base of
"context" rather than "disk directory".
(For an Apache2 equivalent, think<Location>  instead of<Directory>).

So to re-phrase your question :
You have a directory in Tomcat, like (tomcat_dir)/webapps/mywebapp/X , and
you want to
prevent (all) web users from accessing the content of that sub-directory X.
Yes ?

If yes, then the best way of achieving this is probably to have this
directory be outside
of the Tomcat /webapps/ space (better even, totally outside the Tomcat
directory tree).
If you need to access it from Apache2, then you can always use an Alias in

/var/www/site1/docs/  = Apache2 DocumentRoot

/var/www/tomcat/webapps/ = Tomcat webapps dir

/var/www/temporarios/upload = directory where the files are uploaded

In Apache2 :

Alias /temporarios/ /var/www/temporarios/
<Directory /var/www/temporarios>
    .....  (Allow/deny and other things) ...

In Tomcat : nothing  (Tomcat will not even see this directory, and no Tomcat
URL can reach

If your Tomcat webapp needs to read/write there, then you decide that inside
your Tomcat
webapp.(And you give the Apache and the Tomcat user the appropriate user-id
&  permissions
to read/write there).

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