Humm sorry friends im not trying to fight, i just really need to do that.

I will try to draw what i want to happen, maybe my english is very poor.

-Yes i can access
/var/lib/tomcat6/webapps/temporarios/upload_contracheque  i can upload
files here.

(USER) says
-No i cant access /var/lib/tomcat6/webapps/temporarios/upload_contracheque/

Luciano, Idiot you need to move this directory outside tomcat6

Luciano Idiot, i never will move this directory, you just need to
block it, as you do in Apache2. You dont know how to do that?

Understand now?

2012/1/27, Luciano Andress Martini <>:
> I really want to block a directory like
> /webapps/temporarios/upload_contracheque
> Yes is the first option but withou moving the directory outside
> tomcat, because im not the developer of the system, and i just put
> this system on the server.... and i really need to simple block this
> directory...=//
> I need to block this, in the similar way that i do in apache...
> /var/lib/tomcat6/webapps/temporarios/upload_contracheque
> I really cant move this outside this directory.
> Thank you.
> 2012/1/27, André Warnier <>:
>> Luciano Andress Martini wrote:
>>> I need to do this in tomcat6:
>>> Apache2 form:
>>> <Directory /var/www/temporarios/upload_contracheque>
>>>                 Order allow,deny
>>>                 deny from all
>>> </Directory>
>> I think that you are again not very clear, but I will try to guess.
>> There is no direct equivalent of the above in Tomcat, because Tomcat
>> works
>> on the base of
>> "context" rather than "disk directory".
>> (For an Apache2 equivalent, think <Location> instead of <Directory>).
>> So to re-phrase your question :
>> You have a directory in Tomcat, like (tomcat_dir)/webapps/mywebapp/X ,
>> and
>> you want to
>> prevent (all) web users from accessing the content of that sub-directory
>> X.
>> Yes ?
>> If yes, then the best way of achieving this is probably to have this
>> directory be outside
>> of the Tomcat /webapps/ space (better even, totally outside the Tomcat
>> directory tree).
>> If you need to access it from Apache2, then you can always use an Alias
>> in
>> Apache2.
>> E.g.
>> /var/www/site1/docs/  = Apache2 DocumentRoot
>> /var/www/tomcat/webapps/ = Tomcat webapps dir
>> /var/www/temporarios/upload = directory where the files are uploaded
>> In Apache2 :
>> Alias /temporarios/ /var/www/temporarios/
>> <Directory /var/www/temporarios>
>>    .....  (Allow/deny and other things) ...
>> </Directory>
>> In Tomcat : nothing  (Tomcat will not even see this directory, and no
>> Tomcat
>> URL can reach
>> it).
>> If your Tomcat webapp needs to read/write there, then you decide that
>> inside
>> your Tomcat
>> webapp.(And you give the Apache and the Tomcat user the appropriate
>> user-id
>> & permissions
>> to read/write there).
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