Geet Chandra wrote:

    One more question, I would like to ask,
   Like ""%EXECUTABLE%" //US//%SERVICE_NAME% ++JvmOptions "\temp" --JvmMs 256 --JvmMx 512 "

 How can I set JAVA_OPTS=-Xms256m -Xmx512m using
""%EXECUTABLE%" //US//%SERVICE_NAME% ++JvmOptions "\temp"

I am not sure that I really understand your question.
"JAVA_OPTS" is an environment variable, that can be used in *scripts*, such as for example when you start Tomcat in a command window by using a .bat script. But these environment variables are not used when Tomcat runs as a service, under control of the wrapper program. In that case, the wrapper picks values out of the Windows Registry, and uses them to (internally) set the command-line parameters for the JVM, when it starts the JVM. The "install" command above sets these Registry values, so that (later) the wrapper can pick them up, when it starts the JVM.

The documentation of procrun is sometimes a bit obscure.
As far as I can tell, in your case, there are 2 ways of specifying the "-XMs" and "-Xmx" switches for the JVM : you can use *either* of

--JvmMs xxxM  --JvmMx yyyM


++JvmOptions "-Xms...M -Xmx ...M"

..I think..

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