Could you please tell me how to set

-XX:MaxPermSize=96m  and -XX:PermSize=72m in Window Registry, when I start
tomcat as window service, it should pass these value to JVM.

Can I execute the following command to register

"\temp" --JvmMs 256 --JvmMx 512 -XX:MaxPermSize
96m -XX:PermSize=72m

On Fri, Mar 16, 2012 at 5:09 PM, André Warnier <> wrote:

> Geet Chandra wrote:
> ..
>>    One more question, I would like to ask,
>>   Like ""%EXECUTABLE%" //US//%SERVICE_NAME% ++JvmOptions "
>>**BASE%\temp" --JvmMs 256 --JvmMx 512 "
>>  How can I set JAVA_OPTS=-Xms256m -Xmx512m using
>> ""%EXECUTABLE%" //US//%SERVICE_NAME% ++JvmOptions "
> I am not sure that I really understand your question.
> "JAVA_OPTS" is an environment variable, that can be used in *scripts*,
> such as for example when you start Tomcat in a command window by using a
> .bat script.
> But these environment variables are not used when Tomcat runs as a
> service, under control of the wrapper program.
> In that case, the wrapper picks values out of the Windows Registry, and
> uses them to (internally) set the command-line parameters for the JVM, when
> it starts the JVM.
> The "install" command above sets these Registry values, so that (later)
> the wrapper can pick them up, when it starts the JVM.
> The documentation of procrun is sometimes a bit obscure.
> As far as I can tell, in your case, there are 2 ways of specifying the
> "-XMs" and "-Xmx" switches for the JVM : you can use *either* of
> --JvmMs xxxM  --JvmMx yyyM
> OR
> ++JvmOptions "-Xms...M -Xmx ...M"
> ..I think..
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