On 13 May 2012, at 20:33, "André Warnier" <a...@ice-sa.com> wrote:

> Pid wrote:
>> On 11/05/2012 18:53, Vickie Troy-McKoy wrote:
>>> Hi, I am in need of a little help.
>>> I have 2 tomcat instances running on the same machine and one apache 
>>> instance running on a different machine.  I configured jk_mod to access the 
>>> 1st tomcat instance.  Now, I have a second tomcat instance running on the 
>>> same server as the 1st instance.  I would like to access both tomcat 
>>> instances via the one apache webserver instance.  Because some requests are 
>>> referenced by the same name, there is a conflict.
>>> On the tomcat server in server.xml, one instance is running on port 8009 
>>> and the 2nd instance (in another directory structure) is running on 7009.
>>> On the apache server in httpd.conf, I have the following:
>>> Listen 80
>>> .
>>> .
>>> .
>>> LoadModule jk_module modules/mod_jk.so
>>> #
>>> JkWorkersFile conf/workers.properties
>>> JkMount /abc* instance1
>>> JkMount /xyz* instance2
>>> In workers.properties, I have the following:
>>> worker.list=instance1, instance2
>>> #
>>> worker.instance1.port=8009
>>> worker.instance1.host=server.xxxx.com
>>> worker.instance1.type=ajp13
>>> worker.instance1.lbfactor=1
>>> worker.instance1.socket_keepalive=1
>>> #
>>> worker.instance2.port=7009
>>> worker.instance2.host=server.xxxx.com
>>> worker.instance2.type=ajp13
>>> worker.instance2.lbfactor=1
>>> worker.instance2.socket_keepalive=1
>>> When I call abc*, it goes to instance1; and when I call xyz*, it goes to 
>>> instance2.  However, both instances have apps that start with "tsa".  How 
>>> do I configure the apache webserver to service the "tsa" app for both 
>>> tomcat instances?
>> configure a load balancer (worker) that uses the (other) two workers, in 
>> addition to the
>> two workers, and add it to the worker list.
> I think that rather than be added to the workers list, the load-balancer 
> worker must be the only one in the list.  You then tell the balancer to 
> balance the two other workers.

Then the two individual apps won't work, as they're not present on both servers.


>> http://tomcat.apache.org/connectors-doc/generic_howto/loadbalancers.html
>> p
>>> Thank you...
>>> _______________________________________
>>> Regards,
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