> From: vtmc...@hotmail.com
> To: users@tomcat.apache.org
> Subject: RE: Multiple tomcat Instances on Same Server and One Apache Instance
> Date: Mon, 14 May 2012 21:54:31 -0400
> > Date: Tue, 15 May 2012 01:18:06 +0200
> > From: a...@ice-sa.com
> > To: users@tomcat.apache.org
> > Subject: Re: Multiple tomcat Instances on Same Server and One Apache 
> > Instance
> > 
> > Apologies, I probably confused you too. See below.
> > 
> > Vickie Troy-McKoy wrote:
> > ...
> > 
> > >>>>>>
> > >>>>>> When I call abc*, it goes to instance1; and when I call xyz*, it 
> > >>>>>> goes to instance2.  However, both instances have apps that start 
> > >>>>>> with "tsa".  How do I configure the apache webserver to service the 
> > >>>>>> "tsa" app for both tomcat instances?
> > >>>>> configure a load balancer (worker) that uses the (other) two workers, 
> > >>>>> in addition to the
> > >>>>> two workers, and add it to the worker list.
> > >>>> I think that rather than be added to the workers list, the 
> > >>>> load-balancer worker must be the only one in the list.  You then tell 
> > >>>> the balancer to balance the two other workers.
> > >>> Then the two individual apps won't work, as they're not present on both 
> > >>> servers.
> > >> Oh. I did not read the OP's requirements carefully enough.  Apologies, 
> > >> your instructions 
> > >> were correct for the OP.
> > > --------------------------------------------------- 
> > > 
> > > Thank you all for your suggestions.  I tried configuring a load balancer 
> > > worker; however,  I'm getting HTTP 500 messages--Internal Server Error.  
> > > I reviewed the reference page; however, apparently, I'm missing 
> > > something.  Also in the mod_jk.log, there's an error stating:   "Could 
> > > not find worker with name 'instance2' in uri map post processing".  Any 
> > > ideas?  Thank you...
> > > 
> > > On the apache server in httpd.conf, I changed the JKMount statements 
> > > because I wanted to access all content.
> > > 
> > >  Listen 80
> > >  .
> > >  .
> > >  .
> > >  LoadModule jk_module modules/mod_jk.so
> > > 
> > >  #
> > >  JkWorkersFile conf/workers.properties
> > >  JkMount /* instance1
> > >  JkMount /* instance2
> > 
> > That is probably not what you want (and the one contradicts the other).
> > You should probably have instead :
> > 
> > # forward "/abc*" requests to Tomcat "instance1" only
> > JkMount /abc instance1
> > JkMount /abc* instance1
> > 
> > # forward "/xyz*" requests to Tomcat "instance2" only
> > JkMount /xyz instance2
> > JkMount /xyz* instance2
> > 
> > # forward "/tsa*" requests to either Tomcat, as selected by the balancer 
> > worker
> > JkMount /tsa balance1
> > JkMount /tsa* balance1
> > 
> > Note: if you really want to forward everything to Tomcat, and it doesn't 
> > matter which 
> > Tomcat, and you want to let the balancer decide when to forward any request 
> > to either 
> > Tomcat-1 or Tomcat-2, then just use the single line :
> > JkMount /* balance1
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > > 
> > >  In workers.properties, added the load balancer information; it reflects 
> > > the following:
> > >
> > You seem to be missing :
> > 
> > workers.list=instance1,instance2,balance1
> > 
> > (as per Pid's earlier instructions, not as per my erroneous comment)
> > 
> > >  worker.balance1.type=lb
> > >  worker.balance1.balance_workers=instance1, instance2  <-- mod_jk may not 
> > > like the space after comma
> > >  #
> > >  worker.instance1.port=8009
> > >  worker.instance1.host=server.xxxx.com
> > >  worker.instance1.type=ajp13
> > >   
> > >  #
> > >  worker.instance2.port=7009
> > >  worker.instance2.host=server.xxxx.com
> > >  worker.instance2.type=ajp13
> > > 
> > > 
> > > On the tomcat server (which is the same server), I added the jvmRoute 
> > > setting in server.xml.  For instance one, I added:
> > > 
> > >      <Engine name="Catalina" defaultHost="localhost" jvmRoute="instance1">
> > > 
> > > For instance two, I added:   <Engine name="Catalina" 
> > > defaultHost="localhost" jvmRoute="instance2">
> > >                                     
> > 
> > 
> > ---------------------------------------------------------------------
> Thanks again.  I'll try this tomorrow.  I just want to forward based on the 
> port that the Tomcat instance is running on.  The 2 tomcat instances running 
> on the same server is really the same application--but different versions.  
> And, I thought that I could use the existing Apache instance to forward 
> requests to the new version of the app running on tomcat as well.  But, if I 
> want (e.g. the tsademo app)  the tomcat instance running on port 8009; and 
> tsademo is being forwarded to both ports--how can I be sure that I would get 
> the tsademo running on port 8009 and not the one running on 7009?   I tried 
> using the Virtual host in Apache; but, ran into issues with that.  Or, should 
> I just go ahead and create an entirely new apache instance for the new tomcat 
> instance?
> Regards,

Thank you Andre for your help.  After I configured it as you specified, the 
behavior was the same as before I inquired on this forum.  To avoid additonal 
delay, I just went ahead and created another apache2 instance and kept both 
configurations separate.  Thanks again for your suggestions.  Regards...

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