Pid * wrote:
On 13 May 2012, at 20:33, "André Warnier" <> wrote:

Pid wrote:
On 11/05/2012 18:53, Vickie Troy-McKoy wrote:
Hi, I am in need of a little help.
I have 2 tomcat instances running on the same machine and one apache instance 
running on a different machine.  I configured jk_mod to access the 1st tomcat 
instance.  Now, I have a second tomcat instance running on the same server as 
the 1st instance.  I would like to access both tomcat instances via the one 
apache webserver instance.  Because some requests are referenced by the same 
name, there is a conflict.
On the tomcat server in server.xml, one instance is running on port 8009 and 
the 2nd instance (in another directory structure) is running on 7009.

On the apache server in httpd.conf, I have the following:

Listen 80
LoadModule jk_module modules/

JkWorkersFile conf/
JkMount /abc* instance1
JkMount /xyz* instance2

In, I have the following:

worker.list=instance1, instance2

When I call abc*, it goes to instance1; and when I call xyz*, it goes to instance2.  However, both 
instances have apps that start with "tsa".  How do I configure the apache webserver to 
service the "tsa" app for both tomcat instances?
configure a load balancer (worker) that uses the (other) two workers, in 
addition to the
two workers, and add it to the worker list.
I think that rather than be added to the workers list, the load-balancer worker 
must be the only one in the list.  You then tell the balancer to balance the 
two other workers.

Then the two individual apps won't work, as they're not present on both servers.

Oh. I did not read the OP's requirements carefully enough. Apologies, your instructions were correct for the OP.

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