
I have been using wicket for quite some time now. Prior to this I worked
on  tapestry for a short time . (In fact i  implemented the same pages
which i did in tapestry in wicket also)

I may not be able to give you the right answer but i can definitely say this

the learning curve in tapestry is quite high . Wicket is very easy to learn
and especially easy to write ur own components

But there is one important point i want to share. Whenever u choose a
framework, it is
very important to check how good the support is in the forums. That is
biggest difference
for me. Because even if framework is good, u r bound to run into issues.
Just check out the wicket forum. The response time for a question is very
Sometimes u will have  more than one response. Thats makes a very BIG
difference - atleast for me


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