> > The advantage of having this separate project
> > is that such inheritance would be available for people who like it,
> > and hey, maybe in the longer term you have something that works so
> > good that you can convince people based on something that works.
> > Executable code works much better than simply words when it comes to
> > that ;-)

Having it as a separate project is better than no project at all. I'd be
glad to use that if a separate project is the only option on offer. 

As it's a separate project we'll need different tag names. I'm not sure
if you caught my 11th hour submission on your "final summary" post:

Suggested minor modification to the design:

Call tags "default" and "override" instead of "abstract" and
"implements" - it's less *techie* plus it allows us to define a default
markup section in a base page that can be "optionally" overridden in any
derived pages. That's even more OO and allows even greater simplicity
through reusability.

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