> Hi,
> Actually, Wicket already works like this. It does *NOT* require the
> <wicket:extend>, and if it's not present it just renders the contents
> the <wicket:child>. (Just tested this with beta4).

[This behaviour must have changed since 1.2.6 because I tried removing
the <extend> tag in a derived page using this version and the whole of
the derived page got rendered - ie., it did not merge in any markup from
the base page. If later versions have fixed this already then that's
massively awesome indeed]

> Furthermore, your patch works exactly the same as far for multilple
> child sections (as far as I can tell, or otherwise it should for
> backwards compatibility), and does precisely what both you and Chris


So it all sounds like a very low risk improvement of the existing
functionality - cool!

Sorry to all of those who've put up with such a long, sometimes noisy
thread but I think that's just part of the enthusiastic, collaborative
process that popular open source projects such as Wicket have become and
it's what continues to make them great and evolve to become even

I present to you just one final tweak at the edges for your comment:

The OO puritan in me would love to see <wicket:child> aliased to
<wicket:default> so that developers could use either <child> (deprecated
but still available for backwards compatibility) or <default> - it won't
break existing pages and lets new people use a more naturally fitting
and more accurate tag:

Which would flow more naturally and be more easily understood by new
users reading the documentation?

A) If you don't 'extend' a 'child' section in a derived page wicket uses
the child section provided in the base page.

(Comment: Extend a child? We're not extending the child section - we're
replacing it!)

B) If you don't 'extend' a 'default' section in a derived page wicket
uses the default section provided in the base page.

(Comment: Extend? It is the page you are extended by overriding one or
more of its default sections. Again you aren't extending a default
section you are replacing it!)

Or even - now I'm really pushing my luck asking to provide two aliases

C) If you don't 'override' a 'default' section in a derived page wicket
uses the 'default' section provided in the base page.

(Comment - arrhh beautiful - 100% accurate and natural)

At university I remember a lecturer telling a story of an interview with
one of the creators of Unix. He was asked if he had any regrets over his
illustrious career and he said "Yes I do, I regret naming the 'create'
function 'creat' instead of 'create' just to save one byte!". How much
frustration does a bad name cause?

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