
Actually, Wicket already works like this. It does *NOT* require the <wicket:extend>, and if it's not present it just renders the contents of the <wicket:child>. (Just tested this with beta4).

Furthermore, your patch works exactly the same as far for multilple child sections (as far as I can tell, or otherwise it should for backwards compatibility), and does precisely what both you and Chris want.


Stefan Fußenegger wrote:
I think it would be a nice feature to define defaults and overrides this way.
However, this wouldn't be backwards compatible anymore as the contents are
currently ignored. (Ok, you are currently forced to extend them, so you
probably wouldn't see the markup from such sections in *old* applications.)

My vote on this:
- I would love to have multiple sections.
- I would appreciate default markup for extendible sections.

Kind regards,

-- stefan

PS: I'm keeping my fingers crossed for RC1! Go, Wicket, go! :)

Chris Colman wrote:
That is what I'd suggest as well, since it involves the least amount
change. As an added bonus, if no id's are added and 2 <wicket:child>
sections are used, it could throw an exception (which it currently
not do, it just silently ignores the second <wicket:child>).
That would be magic!

While we're at this epic moment after spending days thrashing this out
could we spend just 3 extra minutes to investigate implementing standard
Java method like behavior for this feature?
Ie., In the case that no override <extend> is provided in a derived
page, simply use the markup in the <child> tag in the base page.

Then it would work like methods work in Java - and it's probably how
most Java developers would naturally expect an OO framework like wicket
to work anyway.

Intuitively it seems like an easy to implement option in the framework:
the <child>/<extend> feature is already merging code from the base page
anyway - if there is no override <extend> tag in a derived page then it
simply pulls the markup from the base page's <child> tag.

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Stefan Fußenegger
http://talk-on-tech.blogspot.com // looking for a nicer domain ;)

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