On 3/15/08, James Carman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On 3/15/08, Matej Knopp <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > What URL you seen in browser after you click back button? Isn't it a
>  >  bookmarkable URL? Because that creates new page instance every time.
>  >
> When I click the back button, the URL is:
>  http://localhost:8080/
>  However, nothing goes on in the server (unless I make that final
>  change that you suggested).  In IE when I hit the back button, it does
>  indeed create a new instance and that one is used.  So, for some
>  reason IE is refreshing on the back button and FF wasn't (with the
>  same exact code before I changed the Cache-Control header).

Shouldn't this work without the refresh, though?  Shouldn't the page
have a version stored off and that link gets me back to the previous
version when I click it?  That's what I'm trying to get to work with
my example.  I'm giving a talk on Monday and I want to run this live
example to show how the versioning works.  Is there some tweak here
that I can do to get this working without the refresh?  If I can get
it working correctly with nice enough output, I plan on adding it to
the Wiki also if that's okay with you folks.  This page versioning
idea isn't the easiest thing to grasp and a working example might be
nice for folks to see.

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