On Mon, Apr 28, 2008 at 2:15 PM, James Carman
> On Mon, Apr 28, 2008 at 7:58 AM, Maurice Marrink <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  > How well did you test this?
>  Only whipped it up very quickly (based on obviously wrong assumptions :).
>  >  Because i think the biggest problem here is that the
>  >  IComponentInstantiationListener is invoked in the constructor of
>  >  Component and thus before any childclass constructor has run.
>  Oooooh!  Nasty.  I thought you guys were somehow waiting until the
>  Component was fully instantiated for this notification to occur.  If

Nope. One of the places where this is used, is for security
(intercepting if a component is authorized to be instantiated) in that
case you want to abort as soon as possible.

>  that's not true, then my method won't work either.  Can we beef up the
>  IComponentInstantiationListener notification mechanism somehow?  Is
>  there some hook in the request cycle that we can use to call the
>  IComponentInstantiationListeners on all Components that have been
>  instantiated?

That would only work (if at all) if we do that call between
onBeforeRender and the actual rendering since components like listview
will wait till the last possible time to create there components.

>Of course, this notification could then, in turn,
>  create more components.  Yuck, this is quite an ugly problem.  I guess
>  the Components that are instantiated can append themselves to the
>  queue which is being processed by all of the instantiation listeners?

yuck indeed.

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