2008/4/28 Uwe Schäfer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> James Carman schrieb:
> > Or, perhaps Wicket could add in some lifecycle method annotations?
> >
>  pleeeeeeease don´t!
>  using annotations for this kind of lifecycle methods is a simple abuse of
> them. non-obvious order, inheritance etc... lesson learned from jpa,ejb3
> etc...

no worries. we are not going to do this. at one point we had
@OnBeforeRender, @OnAfterRender, @OnDetach and a couple of others all
working in the 2.0 branch. we didnt like it. the code became a lot
less self-documenting, and in the end you still ended up overriding
existing methods a lot of the times so there was no benefit.


>  cu uwe
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